
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is being selfish bad?

Although you do not think so, you are selfish! This doesn't mean that you have done something wrong, in fact it is normal to be selfish if we weren't where would we be now?

Selfish desire is a motivation to act from your own point of view in which you are driven by a desire to change a feeling to another, this is an extremely important factor to recognize in life but choose to overlook it. I believe that Selfishness motivates human emotion, by thinking of what you want you may choose to help others in order to help yourself which should still be considered a selfish thought but it's the bright side of the selfishness the media and society portrays as being wrong.


  1. Too much selflishness is really bad though. Put things out of perspective.

  2. yeah i guess being selfish is good sometimes!

  3. i agree with this also, you are on the right path grasshoppa
    strictly business

  4. I agree I guess... not much else to day...

  5. its good, because if we weren't selfish, everyone would have the same of everything and it would be communism

  6. everything in moderation - a little selfishness is ok

  7. What G said is true.

    The phrase "too much of a good thing." exists for a reason.

    Excellent post!

  8. It's part of us and that's what makes us Human :)

  9. i was always worried about being too selfish, then i realized by thinking about how i'm so worried with myself i am being selfish in the process. i think selfishness is innate, but some people are more self-centered than others. those are the 'real' selfish people.

  10. depends on what your being selfish about
